What is Solar Power and how does it work?

              Solar panels that generate electricity are called Photo-voltaic or PV panels. There are a few different types of panel available. The main 3 types are Mono-crystalline, Poly-crystalline and Amorphous. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.

                  Mono-crystalline (single dark blue color) has a typical efficiency rating of about 15-17%. Costs are usually slightly higher than other types due to complicated manufacturing techniques. 

             Poly-crystalline (lighter blue broken glass appearance  is similar to mono-crystalline except the slices are made from multiple crystal's grown together. Costs are slightly lower and efficiency is around 12%. These panels suffer from efficiency loss at high temperature.

                     Amorphous (brown gloss as seen on calculators) operates at around 6% but has the advantage of being flexible. Larger panels tend to be more expensive than crystalline versions as they are less popular.