The story of Investor Conference in Gujarat on Solar Energy

According to, an "Investors Conference on Solar Energy" is set to be organized in Gujarat in April 2010 by Clinton Climate Initiative. I am sure it would put up a good platform for companies to showcase their capabilities and address various issues related to implementation of solar energy. Technology providers, Solar Power Project Investors, Bank delegations from America, Spain, Britain and Germany are likely to attend the conference.
The only challenge I feel is that most of the solar energy projects take longer time-horizon from planning to full-throttle running stage. Project management in solar energy would be very critical. I think the most feasible option for the companies could be laying out the entire backbone infrastructure first. This implicitly means that the companies should source in solar panels/ parabolic dishes only at the final stages. This can help them to get the most critical components at the market price prevailing at that moment.
Discussions on solar energy policy, feed-in tariffs and efficient project management should be the priority at the conference.
Looking forward to attending the conference. Any other takers?