22.5 kW Mansfield, OH Commercial Solar Installation

22.5 kW ground mounted solar array located in a lovely park in Mansfield, Ohio. Ohio is a state gaining momentum in solar so it is great to see installs like this popping up all over the state.

22.5 kW Mansfield, OH Light Commercial Solar Installation22.5 kW Mansfield, OH Light Commercial Solar Installation
MansfieldOH 44902
United States
Date Installed11/2012
Total Size22.50 kW
Profile visibilityPublic
22.5 kW ground mounted solar array loacted in a lovely park in Mansfield, Ohio, featuring the Astronergy 250 W module, with the power inverted by Fronius' new IG Plus V line of inverters. Ohio is a state gaining momentum in solar so it is great to see installs like this popping up all over the state.